Masterproef: Welke 'Arena' ontwerp jij?
Beeld: Maria Merz, Igloo in: Mario Merz, Le case girano intorno a noi o noi giriamo intorno alle case?, 1994. Igloos: 1968 – 2003, installation, Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan, Italy, 2018. Photo: P A Black © 2018
Fien Vertriest
Marie Wallays
Nina De Sutter
Celestine Verschelden
Sana Layouni
Flora Lippens
Claire Markey
Bert Bogaerts
Febe Coppin
Robinh Van Truong
Lennert van de Woestyne
Elly Calis
Emilia Fiers
THE HOUSE OF THOUGHT - The great toroid, is the new geometry that contains the place to honor the THOUGHT AND THE WORD. It is inspired by the architecture of ceremonial houses and the traditional worldview of different Colombian indigenous ethnic groups and manifested in the sacred geometry of the Toroid; Magnetic field that we have created for the development of new narratives seeking to awaken the spirits and open the channels for dialogues with the non-human. Entirely built with the technique of non-glued laminated beams thanks to the training and co-design of our great allies Mixed Architecture.
Febe Coppin